K-Fuze CMS Solution

One stop Customer Management Solution (CMS) for complete customer care

K-Fuze CMS is a unique Customer Management System (CMS) incorporating website creation/management, customer relationship management, and knowledge/content management – all rolled up into one easy-to-use customer care online self-help solution. K-Fuze CMS is cloud based, or on-premise for enterprise installations.

K-Fuze CMS is also ideal for organizations in search of a turn-key customer care solution to satisfy all client interactions for customers and users.

You can download a PowerPoint overview overview, or an Adobe PDF overview of our K-Fuze CMS solution.

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Core Components

Web Management

Website Management

Create your entire customer care website using the K-Fuze CMS portal.

Customer Management

Customer Management

Manage all users, companies, clients from within K-Fuze CMS.

Ticket Master

Contact Management

A complete incident and ticket management solution for all types of customer interactions.

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Content Management

Organize, manage and share FAQ’s, documents, files, multimedia & rich-text content.

Cloud or Enterprise Solutions

K-Fuze CMS is designed to be used by SMB organizations, as well as larger enterprise companies.  All K-Fuze CMS applications are hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud with high availability, scalability and redundancy baked into the K-Fuze CMS environment.

For enterprise organizations, K-Fuze CMS can be installed on premise within your data center for additional security and control.

Click here to learn more

Using K-Fuze CMS

K-Fuze CMS was designed with the user in mind. We recognize that the way users access web applications varies, especially with the wide variety of devices, browsers and operating systems available. K-Fuze CMS will work in all popular browsers, with all popular operating systems, on phones, tablets, and PCs.  No matter where your customers are, they will be able to use their favorite device, browser, and OS to access K-Fuze CMS.

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