In order to view and manipulate the content, ticket, or user list page, please make sure you have the appropriate permissions.
- Expand Administration, select Content, and click Content List.
- To filter the content list, locate the column to use as a filter.
- From the top of the column, click Column Settings.
- Select Filter.
- From the Show Items With Value drop down, select the operator to use.
- In the second field and depending on the column, enter the value to use as a filter or select the value from the appropriate drop down.
- To sort the content list by a specific column, click Column Settings on the specific column.
- Select either Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
- To reorder the column list grid, drag the appropriate column to its appropriate location on the grid.
- To group the column list grid, drag the column heading into the Drag a Column Header and Drop it Here to Group by that Column area.