In K-Fuze an agent is able to edit the title, details, and comments of a ticket.
- Expand Support and click Agent Landing Page.
- In the Ticket # field, enter the ticket number to modify.
- Or from the Support drop down, click the <Project Name> Ticket.
- From the ticket list grid, filter for the ticket to modify and click its ID number to open in edit mode.
- To change the ticket title, click the Edit Title button.
- Make any necessary changed to the remaining fields.
- To modify the details previously entered, click the Edit Details button.
- To modify the customer information, click the Customer tab. Make the necessary modifications and click the Save Customer Information check mark.
- To modify previously entered comments, click the Comments tab. Locate the comment to modify and click its Edit button. Make the necessary modifications and click the Update check mark.
- When finished, click Save.